Summit Highlights Launch in Kalgoorlie
Monday, 05 May 2014
Kalgoorlie has been buzzing since the Regional Arts Australia Summit: Arts & Edges Highlights Launch last Friday. The launch, including some truly moving performances by local singers and actors, was live streamed. There’s something quite amazing about watching your hometown step up, engage and shine. And of course, if you are coming to the
- Published in Leadership, Remote Australia
Sidney Myer Creative Fellow
Monday, 25 November 2013
I have just been named as one of the 2013 Sidney Myer Creative Fellows. Sidney Myer Creative Fellowships are awarded to artists and cultural thought leaders to “support reflection and encourage risk taking”. They are awarded on the basis of outstanding talent and exceptional courage. The Sidney Myer Fund makes the awards annually as part
- Published in Leadership, Sidney Myer Creative Fellowship
Elected Chair of Country Arts WA
Wednesday, 24 April 2013
Country Arts WA held their AGM, during which the Board welcome several new Directors and elected a new Executive. I am honoured to have been elected Chair by my fellow Directors, and look forward to leading the organisation through a period of sustained growth and strengthening. I also would like to acknowledge the incredible work
- Published in Leadership
Meta-Meta publication available for download
Sunday, 24 February 2013
The publication Meta-Meta: cool water for burning questions is now available for free download here. The publication is full of great images, ideas and directions from the 2012 Meta-Meta event in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A must-read for anyone interested in creative intercultural work in Indonesia, Australia and across the region. February 2013
- Published in International, Leadership, Publications
Elected Regional Arts Australia Vice-President
Thursday, 24 January 2013
Regional Arts Australia recently had their AGM, and elected a new executive team. I was honoured to be selected by my peers from around the country as Vice-President. The AGM took place during the biannual Regional Arts Australia national conference and festival, at Goolwa in South Australia. Congratulations and thank you to all Directors and staff for
- Published in Leadership
Meta-Meta is a runaway success
Sunday, 24 June 2012
Meta-Meta, the retreat for practitioners in community cultural development, intercultural and socially engaged practice that I have been co-organising, has been a runaway success. By all accounts the international and Indonesian participants have been delighted, challenged and deeply engaged by the conversations and programming. See here for more details. June 2012
- Published in International, Leadership
Re-election to the Country Arts Western Australia Board of Directors
Tuesday, 24 April 2012
I’m delighted to announce I have been re-elected to the Country Arts WA Board of Directors. I will also continue as the Country Arts WA Board representative to the Regional Arts Australia Board. Country Arts WA is a dynamic and flexible not-for-profit, membership based organisation focused on supporting arts and cultural development across regional Western
- Published in Leadership
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