Culture is Big Business
Friday, 17 June 2016
Image: Kalgoorlie musician Zach Inglis playing at an Eleven13 Records gig on top of a mining headframe at WA Museum Kalgoorlie. A few years ago I wrote an article for Meanjin about the economic contribution of the creative industries. I know the research shows us that arts, culture and the creative industries make significant positive impact
- Published in Publications
Desert Writing: Stories from country
Tuesday, 23 February 2016
This lil beauty just arrived! It’s an anthology of writing by people who live in the remote communities of Australia, including me. My work is a short story based on some of my sweetest experiences living in Warburton. Here’s a bit more about the book from the publisher: In September 2013, just before the weather turned
- Published in Publications, Remote Australia
Are you inspired to be a Churchill Fellow?
Thursday, 18 February 2016
The Churchill Trust recently celebrated fifty years of it’s phenomenal Churchill Fellowship program in Australia. To celebrate they have published ‘Inspiring Australians‘ to highlight the incredible breadth and depth of work these fellowships support. It’s a pretty amazing collection of stories, and I’m really humbled that a feature has been included about my Churchill Fellowship
- Published in Churchill Fellowship, Hair and Salon, Publications
These ranges will be calling me back
Friday, 30 October 2015
I was very excited to be able to return last month to Warburton Community, in the remote Ngaanyatjarra Lands, as part of a Wilurarra Creative project to create a fashion publication. It was an incredible opportunity to visit the community which has shaped so much of my thinking on social change hairdressing. When I left
- Published in Publications, Remote Australia
Sticks & Stats, with bonus camel
Friday, 13 June 2014
I’ve written a couple of fun-to-make articles in the last few months. The first, for Artshub, is about was meant to be about ‘maintaining a cutting-edge arts practice while living regionally’. Which it is about, though probably not in the way they were expecting as it argues, in essence, that moving to ‘the sticks’ might
- Published in Leadership, Publications
Serious Style: Churchill Fellowship report now available
Tuesday, 01 April 2014
DOWNLOAD REPORT NOW Are you interested in finding out how salons, barbershops and social innovators all around the world are using hair and hairdressing to make their community a better place? Serious Style, the report from my Churchill Fellowship, is now available as a free download here. Get inspired by stories, photos and ideas from
- Published in Churchill Fellowship, Hair and Salon, International, Publications
Meta-Meta publication available for download
Sunday, 24 February 2013
The publication Meta-Meta: cool water for burning questions is now available for free download here. The publication is full of great images, ideas and directions from the 2012 Meta-Meta event in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. A must-read for anyone interested in creative intercultural work in Indonesia, Australia and across the region. February 2013
- Published in International, Leadership, Publications