Chair & Director, Country Arts WA
I am a Life Member and former Chair and Director of Country Arts WA.
As Western Australia’s peak body for regional arts, Country Arts WA delivers a range of arts development and performing arts touring programs on behalf of the State and Federal Governments. This includes funding for arts projects, support for key regional arts organisations, Indigenous and youth specific projects as well as an extensive professional performing arts touring program.
Also working closely with regional Western Australian communities, Country Arts WA develops and facilitates community arts development initiatives and plays a vital role advocacy role for the regional arts and community development sectors.
I was first elected as a Director of Country Arts WA in 2010, and was re-elected twice to serve the maximum term of six years. I served as part of the executive team from 2011-2016, including as Chair 2013-2015, and as the WA appointment to the Regional Arts Australia Board 2011-2016. My Life Membership was awarded at the end of my Board service.
- CATEGORY Directorship , Sector Development