Last month I was elected to the role of President of Regional Arts Australia. This board meeting immediately preceded the electrifying RAA Summit: Arts & Edges in Kalgoorlie-Boulder.
Regional Australia is home to unique experiences, communities, cultures, landscapes and art-making. Regional Arts Australia is the key national body representing those working with, and for, the arts in regional and remote Australia.
RAA has an enormous role to play in ensuring that the 1-in-3 people who live in regional Australia the same opportunities to create, share and enjoy arts and culture as those living in major cities.
I am honoured to be asked to take up this leadership role in such a fascinating organisation.
Image: Federal Minister for the Arts, Senator the Honorable George Brandis QC, State Minister for Culture and the Arts, the Honorable John Day MLA, His Worship the Mayor of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Ron Yuryevich AM, Regional Arts Australia Board, RAA Summit Artistic Director Ben Fox and RAA Summit key presenters Brian Ritchie, Lindy Hume, Genevieve Grieves, Maria Tri Sulistyani, Iwan Effendi, Mella Jaarsma and Nindityo.